3 Reasons You Need the M.O.M. Shopify Cart Connector, Freestyle Solutions

Are you wasting a lot of time processing orders in your Shopify store and then entering the same information in M.O.M. multichannel order management system or syncing data back and forth between systems?

Meet the Shopify cart connector. This time-saving connector will streamline your order processing, inventory management and fulfillment processes, saving you significant time and money.

Here are the top three reasons you need to get the Shopify cart connector:

  1. You can download orders directly within M.O.M.
    The Shopify cart connector will allow you to download orders while you work in your M.O.M. OMS, so you don’t need to waste time logging into another system. It leverages the latest API from Shopify, and orders are downloaded as prepaid. The Shopify cart connector offers support for multiple types of discounts.
  2. You can easily synchronize your shipments and inventory.
    Easily create shipment records in Shopify from M.O.M., including shipping service level and tracking number. You can also more accurately track inventory levels in Shopify directly from M.O.M. With M.O.M. and the Shopify cart connector, everything is in sync!
  3. You can connect one or multiple stores.
    Have multiple stores? No problem. Connect them all to M.O.M. for easy integration and management. With the Shopify cart connector, your store is always up-to-date with your OMS.

Want to find out more about the Shopify cart connector? Contact us to learn more about how M.O.M. and Shopify can improve your business.