holiday worker in warehouse

Feeling panicked about how you’re going to handle your orders during the upcoming holiday season?

Seasonal seats by M.O.M. can help you take care of the increased order volume without skipping a beat. Whether you’re an apparel, food and beverage, sporting goods, or other ecommerce merchant, you likely see the majority of your sales during the holidays.

With the addition of seasonal seats, you can add temporary staff to help handle order processing, inventory management, fulfillment and integration with your shopping cart.

Here are three reasons why you need to add seasonal seats to your M.O.M. account now:

  1. They’re flexible. It’s hard to predict what your sales will be at the beginning of the year, and you don’t want to pay a full-time employee for the entire year when only need their help during the last few months of the year. With seasonal seats, you can scale up and down as needed. Need to add five temporary staff members to handle your orders during the holidays? No problem with M.O.M.’s seasonal seats!
  2. They’re cost-effective. Who wants to pay for people to sit around during your slower months? Not you! This option allows you to only pay for the people you need, when you need them. There’s no commitment and you won’t be locked into ongoing charges for those seats after those employees are done working for you.
  3. They increase efficiencies. By allowing you take advantage of omnichannel capabilities, role-based permissions for order management, and superior purchasing and inventory management features, M.O.M.’s seasonal seats program offers you the ability to be highly efficient during the holidays.

Contact us or schedule a demo to learn more about how seasonal seats can help you sail through the holiday season.