online shopping cart

SiteLINK, Freestyle Software’s shopping cart solution designed exclusively for the M.O.M. OMS, offers a lot of powerful features and customizations. However, many SiteLINK users may not be familiar with everything it has to offer.

This is the third of a four-part series of blog posts where we’ll talk about SiteLINK’s currently available features and customizations. We already published part 1 about SiteLINK’s features and part 2 about SiteLINK customizations.

In this post, you’ll learn about additional SiteLINK features, why you need them and links to our Knowledge Base to learn more.


Feature Why You Need It Learn More
Product Reviews and Replies Create trust with your customer base. Be transparent and provide explanation on negative or inaccurate information shared on the reviews posted by customers.
Downloadable Products Allow the sale of digital files for download by your customers. Set up the product in M.O.M., push it to SiteLINK, and offer it for sale just like any other product. Admin options include the ability to set and reset a maximum number of file downloads, and to review orders with failed payment authorizations.
HTML Emails Allow structured emails, promote new products or promotions and flexibility to match branding. Modern look and feel and customizable.
DKIM Signed Emails Higher email delivery rates to the customer inbox instead of landing in junk or spam. Reduce customer service calls to follow up on missed order confirmations, password reset emails or other SiteLINK generated communications.
Email Campaign Link Automatically activate promotions and track orders generated via one click of a link. This leads to positive experience and higher conversion rates on your SiteLINK store.


Contact us to learn more about how SiteLINK can help you grow your eCommerce business. Also, stay tuned for part four of our series about SiteLink.