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Pellentesque gravida augue orci, non condim
Cras id eros vulputate, ultricies eros at, aliquam sem. In elementum risus est, quis varius dolor imperdiet sed. Nullam vel imperdiet leo. Cras at dictum urna. Mauris aliquam mauris sapien, a viverra sapien commodo. Ut interdum, dui ut tincidunt faucibus, libero bibendum eros, sed luctus purus metus ut ipsum. Nulla ligula tellus, volutpat et fermentum arcu. "Quisque eleifend ac magna eu sodales. Sed ullamcorper bibendum lectus sed scelerisque. Quisque non consequat orci. Vivamus eu ex id erat luctus congue ac et libero" Morbi nec orci diam. Nullam pretium turpis et elit dapibus, nec rutrum odio tristique. Donec consectetur cursus nunc eget mattis. Nam at finibus erat. Mauris convallis venenatis tristique. Aenean sit amet nibh mollis risus tincidunt commodo. In pulvinar velit justo, quis dapibus tortor dignissim eu. Aenean tincidunt suscipit pellentesque. Donec vehicula dui quis sapien Ut vitae lobortis magna, id viverra orci. In eget scelerisque nibh, nec suscipit lacus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aliquam pulvinar ipsum augue, tempor luctus felis malesuada venenatis. Vestibulum
Mauris aliquet auctor mi volutpat sagittis rutrum
Mauris aliquet auctor mi non volutpat. Mauris efficitur sagittis rutrum. Aenean placerat, felis eu rutrum suscipit, diam urna egestas augue, a sollicitudin sapien mi at justo. Nunc pretium, nisl quis ullamcorper laoreet, dui dolor imperdiet magna, ac commodo turpis neque et est. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed ultrices eros sit amet augue vestibulum. "Quisque eleifend ac magna eu sodales. Sed ullamcorper bibendum lectus sed scelerisque. Quisque non consequat orci. Vivamus eu ex id erat luctus congue ac et libero" Morbi nec orci diam. Nullam pretium turpis et elit dapibus, nec rutrum odio tristique. Donec consectetur cursus nunc eget mattis. Nam at finibus erat. Mauris convallis venenatis tristique. Aenean sit amet nibh mollis risus tincidunt commodo. In pulvinar velit justo, quis dapibus tortor dignissim eu. Aenean tincidunt suscipit pellentesque. Donec vehicula dui quis sapien Ut vitae lobortis magna, id viverra orci. In eget scelerisque nibh, nec suscipit lacus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aliquam pulvinar ipsum augue, tempor luctus felis malesuada venenatis. Vestibulum sit amet imperdiet risus.
A Superior Approach to Ecommerce Customer Service
Providing the best eCommerce customer service starts with having the means to offer immediate access to address each and every one of the customer’s requests. "In the world of Internet Customer Service, it’s important to remember your competitor is only one mouse click away." -American Banker, Doug Warner There are several capabilities to support quality customer service. Your staff should be able to enter and review orders, view the list of products purchased, record payments, manage contacts and update customer demographics, all within a single screen. This vital detail can help decrease the odds of falling into the massive customer service fall out that exists today. "In the U.S., the cost of poor customer service is $41 billion per year."-New Voice Media Notifications would be sent and alerts received every time a customer makes a purchase, and/or requests information, whether via phone call or email. With efficient customer management in an order management system, businesses can: Look Up Customers Quickly & Accurately A relational database containing the entire customer file could be queried in seconds, with options to search by name, email, phone, etc. Without
How to Maximize Your Inventory Turnover Rate
What is an inventory turnover rate? Simply put, it’s the number of times inventory is sold or used in a period of time. Also known as the cost of goods sold or net sales divided by the average inventory. Although a high inventory turnover rate signals strong sales, it can also indicate an ineffective inventory purchasing plan. And, since a low turnover rate implies fewer sales, excess inventory is right around the corner. High inventory levels are not ideal, since inventory usually has a return rate of zero, and it can open up your company to financial concerns if prices start to fall. You can learn how to monitor and calculate your inventory turnover ratio, but then what comes next? Adopting Automation for Efficiency Managing the retail supply chain from the point of purchase to management and delivery, has reached a point where automation is necessary to provide the maximum inventory turnover rate. As retailers begin to recognize where these processes line up, it becomes easier to understand how the business is affected by even small changes in processes and practices. The chart below underscores the need that midsize
3 Essential Steps to a Comprehensive Shipping Process
Your customer was shipped the wrong item once again and you are at your wits’ end. The hassle, time and money it takes to handle this could and should be avoided. Here’s how. Improving the Pick, Pack and Ship Stages Utilizing barcode scanning is the most efficient way to pick and pack your orders. Using a barcode scanner not only saves time, but ensures complete accuracy and efficiency. Not to mention that barcode data entry has an error rate of about 1 in 3 million. Automatic Shipping Calculations Tailor your company’s shipping policies to your specific market. Create your own customer shipping charge schedules for each shipping method based on actual shipping costs, order total, number of items, C.O.D. premiums, etc. Verification & Printing With an address correction and verification module, you can take advantage of reducing shipping delays and carrier imposed penalty fees for correcting inaccurate addresses. Print shipping labels, access tracking information and control shipping rates for batches and more. Integrating the shipping process to your OMS with the above ingredients will alleviate bottlenecks and avoid unnecessary manual
What is the Best Way to Manage Complex Inventory?
The last thing you want to do is disappoint a customer by posting an item for sale, when you don’t have the inventory to fulfill it. You need a clear and straightforward way to monitor your inventory levels across all sales channels. First things first. Having a centralized system to manage complex inventory will ensure you are publishing accurate available to sell levels to your sales channels. "93% of retailers rated system-wide inventory visibility as the most significant capability in executing their omni-channel fulfillment strategy, yet only 45% can enable it." -Retail Times With up-to-the minute status reports, you should be able to easily select and review orders by status, and that means all orders. These include: • Orders that have not been picked, packed, shipped or backordered • Orders awaiting credit card approval • Orders with a particular stock item Avoiding overselling an item is key, and you are on the right track to making sure that never happens again. One area this will come in handy for is kitting (aka bundling products). Whether you sell an item on its