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9 Money-Making Retail Marketing PPC Tips
9 Money-Making Retail Marketing PPC Tips
Sixty percent of people begin shopping by using a search engine to find the products they want, according to a study conducted by MineWhat. Eighty-one percent of shoppers conduct online research before they make a purchase. The internet and Google have fundamentally changed the way we shop and purchase products. Personally, I get it. I frequently buy things online, from gifts for my nephew to mundane things like cleaning supplies for my apartment. Amazon Prime has become a close companion of mine. Whenever I’m shopping in a store I find myself hoping on Google to compare prices and read product reviews....
How to Keep Up with Ever-Demanding Apparel Sales
How to Keep Up with Ever-Demanding Apparel Sales
Watch out retailers. Both women and men’s apparel sales are on the rise, according to Mintel, Lightspeed GMI and Quartz. With an estimated increase of 14.5% between 2014 and 2019, women’s apparel profits are expected to rise from $121.8 billion to $139.0 billion. But Are Men Shopping More than Women? Women love to shop. There isn’t a soul who doesn’t know that, but women are not the only ones hooked on fashion. Men’s online apparel sales are growing faster than not only women’s apparel, but beer and electronics too. Yes, you read that right. Men are purchasing clothes and accessories more than computers, cameras and...
6 Reasons Why You Should Embrace Magento
6 Reasons Why You Should Embrace Magento
With the wide variety of eCommerce solutions to choose from today, it can be confusing to pick the right one for your business. Selling on multiple channels can be a giant leap in the right direction for your business, and while website platforms like Bigcommerce and Mozu can be extremely helpful, Magento is definitely worth looking into as well. Magento makes it easy for SMB's (small to mid-sized businesses) to fully optimize their eCommerce solutions, get product listings sorted out for multichannel orders and more. Larger retailers like Samsung, Nestle, Olympus and others rely on Magento for their web designs and operations. Not to mention the millions of small to mid-sized companies that trust Magento for...
5 Key Shipping Insights for eCommerce Merchants
5 Key Shipping Insights for eCommerce Merchants
Shipping for eCommerce merchants can be a lengthy and grueling process. Whether you are pondering the idea of offering free shipping, inquiring about multiple shipping providers or figuring out how to build a drop shipping business, the details can get demanding. Finding a way to save is one challenge, but we have some eCommerce shipping strategies to guide you through. Since shipping costs are most likely among the top 3 expenses in a merchants P&L, along with cost of goods sold and salaries, learning some shipping insights for eCommerce can only help. What if there were a way to monitor your shipping accounts, identify late...
The Ultimate Guide to Omnichannel Orders & Selling
The Ultimate Guide to Omnichannel Orders & Selling
Omnichannel orders and selling is the way of the world for all retailers. As eCommerce purchasing grows, immediacy becomes more of a necessity. Consumers will continue to crave faster results as eCommerce tools become more accessible. 2015 e-commerce sales (Q2) increased by 14.1% from the second quarter of 2014, while total retail sales increased 1% in the same period. -U.S. Census Bureau While eCommerce represented 7.2% of total sales for the second quarter (2015), it contributed to half the growth. In order to capitalize on these ever-growing numbers, retailers must fully embrace omnichannel orders and learn how to take advantage of selling in the most efficient...