Retail Promotions Archives

Read blog posts that discuss successful promotions strategies for retailers.

TBT: How Promotions Strategies Can Make Or Break You

Your promotions strategies and how you discount or adjust product pricing can be a great way to gain brand exposure, increase traffic and, if done right, drive revenue. But are you being as effective as possible? Are you planning your promotions the "right" way? Take a look back at this week's TBT, where we revisit

By |2023-03-15T07:05:28-04:00June 10th, 2021|retail promotions, Uncategorized|Comments Off on TBT: How Promotions Strategies Can Make Or Break You

Holiday Season Best Practices: Order Promotion Pitfalls Many Retailers Face

Executing World-Class Order Promotions Is Key to a Successful Holiday Among the thorniest challenges retailers face during the holiday period is creating and executing successful promotions that motivate customers and drive business. Don’t let these common order management pitfalls sabotage your success. Best practices department: order promotion division. When planning your marketing strategy for Black

By |2020-11-19T12:29:52-05:00October 5th, 2017|retail holiday season, retail promotions, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Holiday Season Best Practices: Order Promotion Pitfalls Many Retailers Face

Discounting Your Promotions Strategy: Promotions Strategies of the Future

With the economy still not at peak performance, apparel retailers went to the old standby this past holiday season, discounting. We all know that, if not done well, this promotions strategy can quickly erode margins and add little value to the customer, especially loyal ones. For the online channel, free shipping (the oldest promotion used

By |2021-06-14T10:59:52-04:00August 1st, 2016|retail promotions|Comments Off on Discounting Your Promotions Strategy: Promotions Strategies of the Future
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