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Over the past year, we have fielded hundreds of questions from our customers and prospects on the evolving State Sales Tax Nexus challenge. They want to know:
- How do I stay compliant?
- What is nexus?
- How do I know if I have nexus in a state?
In response, we’ve published blog posts, added information to our web site and held Webinars to inform the M.O.M. user community, yet there is still confusion and doubt about the potential impact of Sales Tax Nexus on the eCommerce business community.
So, we’ve taken an additional step to inform you, our community, about what your sales tax obligations are by collaborating with our partner, TaxJar, to publish a comprehensive list of frequently asked questions (FAQs)…questions about what sales tax for eCommerce really means.
We hope this will be the eCommerce industry’s one-stop resource to learn about State Sales Tax Nexus compliance.
Visit our new, live Sales Tax Nexus FAQ page and let us know what additional questions you would like us to answer. You can also ask us how Freestyle and TaxJar’s solutions can help your business meet its sales tax obligations by contacting us at sales@freestylesolutions.com.