QUIZ: What Do You Hate the Most about Online Returns?

As we settle into the new year, are you struggling to keep up with your holiday returns? Most eCommerce managers are ready to take a break after the Q4 order madness has started to tamper down in January. However, as trends like bracketing--when shoppers buy multiple sizes or colors and then return all but one--can

By |2025-02-05T17:13:45-05:00January 14th, 2025|eCommerce, holiday shipping, M.O.M., M.O.M. Version 12, order management software, Order Management System, Returns|Comments Off on QUIZ: What Do You Hate the Most about Online Returns?

[POLL] Tell Us What You Think About Online Returns

eCommerce merchants, we want to hear what you think about online returns! Access our “What Drives You Crazy About Online Returns” poll to share your thoughts and feedback about your experiences with returns. We’ll also be asking consumers what they think, and we’ll share all of the data and analysis in 2025. The poll asks

By |2024-10-21T23:36:17-04:00October 22nd, 2024|Customer Service, retail holiday season, Returns, seasonal|Comments Off on [POLL] Tell Us What You Think About Online Returns

Prepare for the Holidays with our 2024 eCommerce Holiday eBook

The holidays are just around the corner and your holiday orders are starting to hit. Is your company prepared to handle the holiday rush?  With our 3rd-annual 2024 Ultimate eCommerce Holiday Ebook, you'll be able to better prepare for the increased volume of orders, fulfillment, shipping and returns that are headed your way. The newly

Announcing the 2024 Ultimate Holiday eCommerce Ebook

Are you prepared for your busy holiday shipping season yet? If not, never fear...the 3rd annual Ultimate eCommerce Holiday Ebook is here to save the day! This third edition of our annual ebook is packed with timely and updated information about how you can thrive during the next several months. You'll learn about: Order management

SNEAK PEEK: The 2024 Holiday eCommerce Ebook is Coming!

UPDATE: The 2024 Ultimate eCommerce Holiday Ebook is now available! Access the ebook now. The holiday season is quickly approaching, and it's one of the most challenging times for eCommerce managers and companies. But good news...Freestyle Software's new and improved version of the Ultimate eCommerce Holiday Ebook will be available to soon. This updated, interactive

By |2024-10-20T17:17:52-04:00September 17th, 2024|eCommerce, Freestyle, Freestyle Payments, holiday shipping, M.O.M., Order Processing, retail holiday season, Returns, seasonal|Comments Off on SNEAK PEEK: The 2024 Holiday eCommerce Ebook is Coming!

[POLL] What Drives You Crazy About Online Returns?

We've all been there...you just finished your best month ever, but then the dreaded returns start coming back. You're simultaneously trying to keep up with new orders while processing returns, which takes up valuable time for your team members. It's enough to drive you crazy! Freestyle Software has just launched a new poll to ask

By |2024-05-08T09:20:48-04:00May 7th, 2024|Customer Service, Freestyle, Returns|Comments Off on [POLL] What Drives You Crazy About Online Returns?

When Should I Accept a Return That Violates My Policy?

Your returns policy is an important rule that protects the company from return-related losses. Returns and refunds are often used as a way to scam a company and tax their resources. It's valuable to prevent frivolous returns or returns long after an order is purchased or delivered. However, there are also situations where there is

By |2024-01-18T11:03:55-05:00January 9th, 2024|M.O.M., M.O.M. Version 12, Returns, seasonal|Comments Off on When Should I Accept a Return That Violates My Policy?

2023 eCommerce Holiday Return Projections

Let's face it, most of us are frankly quite terrible at predicting what kind of gifts our loved ones will truly appreciate. We go out of our way to try to find things that we believe our loved ones will appreciate, but it doesn't always pan out as we might have hoped. According to data

By |2023-12-07T12:48:30-05:00December 7th, 2023|M.O.M., M.O.M. Version 12, retail holiday season, retail industry, Returns, seasonal|Comments Off on 2023 eCommerce Holiday Return Projections

7 Reasons to Love Our Interactive Holiday eCommerce eBook

The holidays are coming, the holidays are coming! While children might be excited about this prospect, it generally strikes fear into the hearts of most ecommerce merchants (and parents) alike! If you're a bit behind in your holiday planning, never fear...Freestyle has you covered with our new and improved 2023 Ultimate eCommerce Holiday eBook, which

By |2023-10-11T16:55:58-04:00October 11th, 2023|AOPM, eCommerce, Freestyle, M.O.M., retail holiday season, retail industry, Returns, Sales Tax, seasonal, seasonal software seats, shipping|Comments Off on 7 Reasons to Love Our Interactive Holiday eCommerce eBook

Announcing the Interactive 2023 Ultimate Holiday eCommerce eBook

We have big news for busy eCommerce managers... Our new and improved 2023 Ultimate eCommerce Holiday eBook has been completely revamped, with an interactive, mobile-responsive look and feel and tons of new content, just in time for you to get prepared for the upcoming holiday season. Don't get caught by surprise as your busiest time

By |2023-09-18T09:34:47-04:00September 18th, 2023|AOPM, order management software, Order Management System, retail holiday season, Returns, Sales Tax, sales tax compliance, Sales Tax Nexus, seasonal, seasonal software seats, shipping, supply chain|Comments Off on Announcing the Interactive 2023 Ultimate Holiday eCommerce eBook
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