Taking and processing orders is one of the most important efforts you should focus on entering the holiday season this year.

Don’t sabotage your success by not having these best practices for your ordering and processing. If everything else is already in place you don’t want to have one bottleneck holding you down.

With these top two important functions, you can get the most out of your seasonal seats this holiday season.

We’re here to help make sure your order entry processes are as efficient and safe as possible. Efficiently capturing and processing orders is the foundation of your holiday retail business.

It’s no secret that the order entry processing capabilities you don’t have can hurt you.

Here are some things you can come to expect by taking part in our M.O.M. Seasonal Seats program this holiday season.


Integrated System Order Management System

Outstanding order entry and management can only happen when you have a wide range of knowledge at your fingertips as well as outstanding visibility and transparency to go with it.

Your order management system (OMS) should be able to span all sales channels as well as live customer interactions.

M.O.M.s integrated all-in-one environment allows you to not have to worry about dealing with multiple software packages to get the same thing done.

With an uptick in orders that comes naturally during the holiday season, extra seasonal seats in an existing environment can be an extremely easy way to deal with a temporary increase in volume.

Your order management system should have a full record of existing customers and order histories, supporting customer lookup by name, address, as well as other details and metrics.

Customers should be taggable by type, such as wholesale, retail, VIP, special offer recipient, and even the shopping cart typically used.

Workflow Management

Workflow starts the moment an order is placed for a product.

Not only should your OMS system be able to process a first-time order from a partial SKU or a full lookup of the SKU number, but it should also ensure that the order being processed matches what the customer expects to see.

Sometimes holiday shopping has buyers in a rush, we’ve all been there before. Having your shopping process be interrupted or unnecessarily slowed down may very lead to cart abandonment.

This requires flexible built-in tools to resolve inconsistencies by adjusting discounts, changing the item price, applying source keys for promotional offers, and more.

A direct override capability should be powerful and flexible enough to ensure that any order can be modified to honor any promotion offered online.

Promotions being all the more relevant during the holiday season.


The Takeaway

By having a feature-rich all-in-one solution for your OMS this holiday season you’ll be able to handle the spike in sales that eCommerce experiences during this time.

Taking advantage of seasonal seats will allow you and more of your workers to live and breathe inside Freestyles M.O.M. software during a select period of time that you require.